onsdag 23 februari 2011

Baked paper

In lack of awesome 18th century documents, I have to settle for making my own sketches look old... by soaking them in coffee, ripping at the edges and baking them for a few minutes in a 200°C oven. It's actually quite addictive - I'm already looking around for more stuff to bake.

tisdag 8 februari 2011

Cracked marbles

How to crack marbles:

Grab clear glass marbles (you won't see the cracks on solid coloured ones anyway) and place them in the oven, preferably in something with sides so they won't roll off. Heat oven to at least 260°C and leave the marbles in maximum temperature for 20 minutes. Bring the marbles out of the oven and quickly place them in icy cold water. There's some magic for you! (Or well, at least glass mechanics, but magic is more fun.)

fredag 21 januari 2011

The face behind the camera

Self portrait. I sort of like this one, with the gloomy background and the rather cheerful red hat!

Anna, Varmvattnet, December 2010.

Reindeer in the backyard

A flock of reindeer on New Year's Day 2011. Varmvattnet, Sweden.

Not everyone has the chance of reindeer scouting from their window. This flock, winter grazing in the coastal areas of northern Sweden, were sadly too late for Christmas, but none the less provided a fairly exotic sight for the visitors from southern Sweden.


Bäckgården (meaning "The Creek Farm"). Varmvattnet, Västerbotten, northern Sweden.

A first

Fisksjölandet, Jämtland, northern Sweden. December 2010.